Nick Knowles Nick Knowles


Why I chose each track on my debut album

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Body Is A Wonderland

This is an amazing song and the second verse is one of the sexiest I’ve ever heard! I learned to play it to someone I love and it’s been in my heart ever since. I’ve played it a few times publicly and I’m really pleased with my take on it!

Every Kinda People

I have really early memories of this song. I’m a big fan of Robert Palmer and this song represents my ethos in life. It’s an inclusive song that represents the struggle everyone has every day to say what they mean and mean what they say. I just love this song.

First Last Everything

I’ve always been a big Barry White fan – I used to do singing impressions of him for friends for a laugh but this song always struck me as underrated. It’s a big musical production on the original so the words get a little lost which is a shame. I’ve always played it slower and acoustically so that you can appreciate the love in the song.

Here Comes The Sun

This song is pure joy. My brother played it at my eldest son’s christening and at one of our friend’s wedding. It’s so uplifting, positive and really fun to play. It’s just one of those great songs that lifts your soul and is a favorite of so many people.

Let My Love Be Your Shelter

This is such a great song written by Simon, who has been my MD and coach through the recording of this album. One of only two originals on the album it is a cracking song that I hope will touch a lot of people. It’s about being there for the people you love.


Such a beautiful song – but then pretty much everything Joni Mitchell did was. It’s a Christmas song without the schmaltz, and is about love and how it can be a tough time when you’ve split or pushed someone away and then realised your mistake.


It’s actually a song I have loved and played since I was 16. Who doesn’t love Nat King Cole? And it just makes you smile and believe tomorrow’s another day no matter what’s got to you today. I also sang this to my auntie Shiela in Mountain Ashe golf club on her 80th birthday!

To Make You Feel My Love

The Adele version is probably best known, but if course it was originally a Bob Dylan track. This was the first song I performed for Universal, so it was this song that convinced us all that we should make an album! When recording this track, we put down three versions of this song but in the end went back to the first recording, which was at a tough time for me and despite it being not my most pitch perfect effort, it was full of real emotion.

Waiting For The Love Of My Life

This is a beautiful song from a wonderful song writer deep in the heart of Wales. Amy co-wrote thinking out loud with Ed Sheeran and have to say this song that she’s given to me is just so romantic and lovely. Massive thanks to Amy!

Where Do The Children Play

This is another track I’ve played all my life! I’m a huge fan of Cat Stevens. The original was quite slow and I’ve always played this in an upbeat way as it is on the album. I think the message in the song is even more relevant today than when it came out 40 years ago in the 1970’s.

Wonderful World

I love this song because whilst the world can be a terrible place it is also magical in so many ways. As the song says not only physically and I’ve been lucky enough to travel and see so many natural wonders but people can be awe inspiring and inspirational and the strength of human spirit never fails to amaze me.
I believe in people and I believe we can and will work out the solutions to so many challenges the world faces. It all starts with ourselves and then reaching out to help one other – from there things expand exponentially.